Salon ClosedEntry for this salon closed at midnight Samoa Std Time on
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 You are no longer allowed to either enter or make payments.
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note, however, that the formatting and layout have been designed in English. In other languages they may not
always align as designed. | Contacting The SalonIf you wish to ask a question
or contact the salon organizers, please click on the line below to send a message.  |
Privacy PolicyThe organizers will only use your data for purposes
associated with running photographic salons.
These entry pages do NOT use cookies. |
As mentioned in the salon rules, the salon closed on midnight Tue, 22 Oct 2024. It is now too late to enter the
salon or to make payments or changes to your entry. If you have entered the salon but have not
yet paid, your images will be removed from the salon process and will not be judged. |
 Salon Rules Button |
View Status of Entries | |
Click on the STATUS button to view the names and status of entries to this salon. |
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